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Unified Crossword Clue

We've solved the 3-letter crossword answer for Unified, recently featured on Universal Crossword

By Suryadeepto Sengupta

Modified Nov 18, 2024, 12:30 AM ET

Credit: Stevepb/Pixabay
Credit: Stevepb/Pixabay
Need the 3-letter answer to the Unified clue in the Universal for 18 Nov, 2024? Look no further! We offer all the latest Universal Answers along with solutions to other puzzles. Stay sharp and solve more with our Crossword Answers database.
Warning: spoilers ahead! Continue if you’re seeking the answer to the Unified crossword clue.

Hints For Unified Crossword Clue

(indefinite personal pronoun) Any person (applying to people in general).
An anagram of the answer is "NEO"
Can also mean "SINGLE", "UNITY", "1", "ELEVEN", "THEY", "YOU"
Another Clue
Another clue for the same answer is Any individual
First Letter
The first letter of the answer is "O"

Unified Crossword Answer

The 3-letter word for Unified featured on the Universal Crossword, 18 Nov, 2024 (43A) is


(pronounced as "/wan/")

Definitions of ONE:


  1. The digit or figure 1.

  2. The neutral element with respect to multiplication in a ring.


  1. To cause to become one; to gather into a single whole; to unite.


  1. Of a period of time, being particular.

  2. Being a single, unspecified thing; a; any.


  1. The number represented by the Arabic numeral 1; the numerical value equal to that cardinal number.

  2. The first positive number in the set of natural numbers.


  1. (impersonal pronoun, indefinite) One thing (among a group of others); one member of a group.

  2. (impersonal pronoun, sometimes with "the") The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to the other.


Q1: What is another word for Unified?

Another word for Unified is ONE.

Q2: When was the Unified crossword clue last seen in a puzzle?

The Unified crossword clue was last spotted in the Universal Crossword on 18 Nov, 2024.

Q3: What is the 3-letter word for the Unified crossword clue?

The 3-letter word for Unified is ONE.

All Universal Crossword Clues & Answers - 18 Nov, 2024

Check out all the other clues, along with their hints and answers for the Universal Crossword for 18 Nov, 2024.

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