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Provide free of charge Crossword Clue

We've solved the 4-letter crossword answer for Provide free of charge, recently featured on NYT Mini Crossword

By Suryadeepto Sengupta

Modified Dec 24, 2024, 12:25 AM ET

Credit: SHVETS Production/Pexels
Credit: SHVETS Production/Pexels
Can’t find the 4-letter answer to Provide free of charge from today’s NYT Mini for 24 Dec, 2024? We’re here to help! Explore our database for the latest NYT Mini Answers as well as Crossword Answers from other leading puzzles.
Heads up, spoilers ahead! Move forward only if you want to know the answer to the Provide free of charge crossword clue.

Hints For Provide free of charge Crossword Clue

A programmable electronic device that performs mathematical calculations and logical operations, especially one that can process, store and retrieve large amounts of data very quickly; now especially, a small one for personal or home use employed for manipulating text or graphics, accessing the Internet, or playing games or media.
An anagram of the answer is "PMOC"
Can be the opposite of "COOPERATION", "PRIME NUMBER"
Another Clue
Another clue for the same answer is Free ticket, casually
First Letter
The first letter of the answer is "C"

Provide free of charge Crossword Answer

The 4-letter word for Provide free of charge featured on the NYT Mini Crossword, 24 Dec, 2024 (4D) is


(pronounced as "/kɒmp/")

Definitions of COMP:


  1. Clipping of comprehensive layout, a graphic design showing final proposed layout of text and images.

  2. Clipping of comprehensive examination.


  1. To accompany, in music.

  2. To compose (a visual design); to make a composite.


  1. In the nature of a compliment.

  2. Free; provided at no charge.


Q1: What is another word for Provide free of charge?

Another word for Provide free of charge is COMP.

Q2: When was the Provide free of charge crossword clue last seen in a puzzle?

The Provide free of charge crossword clue was last spotted in the NYT Mini Crossword on 24 Dec, 2024.

Q3: What is the 4-letter word for the Provide free of charge crossword clue?

The 4-letter word for Provide free of charge is COMP.

All NYT Mini Crossword Clues & Answers - 24 Dec, 2024

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