Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" Crossword Clue
We've solved the 5-letter crossword answer for Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends", recently featured on NYT Mini Crossword
Hints For Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" Crossword Clue
Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" Crossword Answer
The 5-letter word for Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" featured on the NYT Mini Crossword, 16 Dec, 2024 (5A) is
(pronounced as "/ˈkɒm.ə/")
Definitions of COMMA:
The punctuation mark ⟨,⟩ used to indicate a set off parts of a sentence or between elements of a list.
A similar-looking subscript diacritical mark.
To place a comma or commas within text; to follow, precede, or surround a portion of text with commas.
Q1: What is another word for Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends"?
Another word for Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" is COMMA.
Q2: When was the Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" crossword clue last seen in a puzzle?
The Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" crossword clue was last spotted in the NYT Mini Crossword on 16 Dec, 2024.
Q3: What is the 5-letter word for the Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" crossword clue?
The 5-letter word for Important feature of the sentence "I like cooking, family and friends" is COMMA.
All NYT Mini Crossword Clues & Answers - 16 Dec, 2024
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